Welcome to the "Department of Veterinary & Animal Husbandry"
Govt. of Telangana
The AnimalHusbandry Departments in various parts of India, then known as Civil VeterinaryDepartments were created several years back i.e., two to three decades beforeour independence.
In the Oldendays, Cattle in large numbers were mostly with the land lords who were Nawabs,Rajas, or Maha Rajas etc. Even certain nomadic tribes used to have large cattleherds, which were sent for grazing into the nearby jungles. Cattle were simplymeant for the production of farmyard manure and the cow for the production of bulls/bullocksfor their Agriculture operations and transportation of their produce.
The emphasisslowly turned towards the production of more milk, more meat, eggs etc. alongwith more cereal production because of their increased demand and shortage ofthe commodity in the market.
It is learntthat the Britishers in Madras presidency in 1903 brought two Veterinarygraduates from the Royal Veterinary College England and started a diploma coursein Veterinary profession for SSLC students who are strong and sturdy at Chennapatnam(Now-Chennai) such courses were also started in Bombay, Patna etc. They werelater converted into graduate courses and Degree courses.
As far asTelangana is concerned, the Osmania University at Hyderabad, the capital cityof Telangana, started the first college of Veterinary Science in the state on itscampus in the year 1947 and the first batch of its graduates with a degree of Bachelorof Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry came out during the year 1951. Thesegraduates with BVSc & A.H. were appointed as Gazetted Vety. Asst.Surgeons in Districts and Taluq Headquarters, in the erstwhile Hyderabad state.
Until then thegraduates of Madras and Bombay Veterinary colleges were employed in the state.Even then there was shortage of Veterinary personnel in the field because oflimited number of colleges and very few graduates. As a temporary measure tofill up the gaps, a diploma course of Veterinary Livestock inspectors on thedirections of ICAR was started in the year 1955, all over India and inTelangana at Rajendranagar. This in short is the origin of the Veterinarian andthe Veterinary profession in India as well in Telangana. The State of Telanganawas formed on 02/06/2014 with itsHead Quarters at Hyderabad which was also thecapital of Erstwhile Hyderabad State, which was under the Nizam of Hyderabad.
The departmentof Animal Husbandry was in existance in Hyderabad State in the Nizam'sGovernment since 1920 as Civil Veterinary Department headed by a Director. TheCivil Veterinary Departments which also existed since 1892 in the country were renamedas Department of Animal Husbandry during the year 1948.
The employees ofAnimal Husbandry Department of Erstwhile Andhra Pradesh, after the formation ofTelangana were separated in to Telangana and A.P Animal Husbandry StateDepartments and the same Directorate of Animal Husbandry Department of combinedA.P continued as the Directorate of Animal Husbandry Department of TelanganaState. As on today the Animal Husbandry Department is concerned with thedevelopment of the Animal (Livestock) resources of the State, Broadly speakingthe department has three fold activities.
(i) Taking careof Animal Health i.e., Treatment of ailing Animals, Disease investigation(research) and prevention of contagious and infections disease of Animalsincluding poultry.
(ii) Promotionand development of improved Livestock in order to gain higher productivity and
(iii) Publicity& Extension Activities for promotion of Animal Husbandry Schemes asincome generating and poverty alleviation programmes.